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Posted By Topic: Picture too big again!       - Views: 48
13-Sep 2015 Sunday 2:13 PM (3308 days ago)               #1
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Hi Admin, pls ref to my latest post 'Tom Yum Hot Hazy Sunday'.

Not sure why the pic is too big, it blocked the post reply, I cannot post further pics.

Fr my understanding fr past experience, if pic is not of the standard size, the system will block u fr posting.

Could you kindly help me delete the 1st pic (think that's the culprit)?

If cannot be done, can delete whole post altogether?

Thanks brudders!!!


13-Sep 2015 Sunday 2:15 PM (3308 days ago)            #2

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i deleted the thread, you can post again now

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13-Sep 2015 Sunday 2:20 PM (3308 days ago)            #3
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quote originally posted by laiszewea:
i deleted the thread, you can post again now

thks brudder Lai
but any way for me to know if pic is too big to avoid such occurance in future?
cos some pics look reasonable size but when posting it's gigantic.

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